Live-streamed masses on YouTube
Texts for Mass (including the prayer when Making a Spiritual Communion)
Saying the Rosary, and making your own rosary.
Mothers' Union Prayer
Litany of Mary (Litany of Loretto)
Online Worship
During the enforced closure of churches during the Coronavirus lockdown, we appreciated anew the joy of coming together as God's family to offer him worship through Jesus, his Son.This was made possible by the wonders of modern technology, notably YouTube, and the PCC has decided to continue live-streaming masses from St Augustine's, at least for the short term.
Although our churches are now open for public worship, our masses continue to be streamed live on YouTube, which enables all those with access to the internet to share in them, both our parishioners and those from further afield, whether members of the Christian Church or not - all are welcome.
Our live-streamed masses can be found on YouTube, and there is also a link to our YouTube Channel on each of our churches' Facebook pages. Please Subscribe to our Channel.
There are links to some useful texts at the top of this page. When celebrated, Evening Prayer & Benediction will also continue to be live-streamed on YouTube.
Spiritual Communion
The Church has long-recognised that there are times when the faithful will be prevented from attending worship (notably, "in times of pestilence") and has made provision for the faithful to make a Spiritual Communion. The housebond are invited to make a Spiritual Communion when sharing in a live-streamed mass from home: appropriate words are included in the Texts for Mass (see above).
Daily Offices
The Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer can help give shape to the day.
While no longer posted on the website, "Morning and Evening Prayer", published by Collins, is currently on sale on Amazon, currently at the greatly reduced price of £20.99 (although this may change). The fuller 3-volume "Divine Office", which also includes the Office of Readings and Mid-day Prayer for every day of the year, is also on Amazon, and is also currently available at a reduced price.